From my childhood, I have seen different type of jeans with distinctive color, size, design based on my need. So, I have a general idea of people jeans length and width. But, one jeans grabbed my eyes for its massive size.
Guys, can you imagine a pair of jeans that is 141 feet (43 m) tall and 98(30 m) wide. Yes, that is truly happened and already taken place in Guinness World Record for sewing the largest pair of blue jeans. Because, current jeans broken the previous Guinness record that hold by Colombian pair and it was 114 feet (35 m) tall by 82 feet (25 m) wide. The company’s chief executive said material from the pants will be cut to make backpacks for area school children.
This largest pair of jeans disclosed on Friday, one day after cranes buckled while trying to lift the giant 7.5-tonne pants.
This jeans has pockets, red buttons and a brown belt. On Thursday, disillusioned crane operators gave up trying to lift the jeans with three machines and went looking for a fourth. They wanted to lift the pants to display them. On Friday, workers had to scrap the idea of hoisting the jeans altogether.
The Colombian city of

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